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#10 Sustainable Green Europe

Achieve a society in which all young people are environmentally active, educated and able to make a difference in their everyday lives.

Nowadays we consume in a way that our environment can’t handle. Society needs to act against climate change and the growing environmental threats. But our society cannot solve a problem that it is not willing to acknowledge. That is why everyone including young people has to start taking responsibility for their actions, and impact on the life of future generations. Becoming sustainable is not a choice, it is an obligation.


  • Ensure everyone including young people knows the effect of their actions on the environment.

  • Empower the entire society especially young people to act as agents of change for environmental and sustainable development.

  • Take into account the environmental impact of every policy and life decision while ensuring that young people are included in sustainable development policy-making on all levels.

  • Increase international cooperation to eliminate environmentally harmful production and consumption.

  • Support and strengthen opportunities for young people to volunteer in the environmental sector.

  • Ensure everyone especially young people has access to eco-friendly infrastructure for living a more sustainable lifestyle.

  • Expand research and innovation into eco-friendly solutions and technologies.


You can find the thematic report of the Youth Goal #10 here: