#2 Equality of All Genders
Ensure equality of all genders and gender-sensitive approaches in all areas of life of a young person.

Gender-based discrimination still affects many young people, especially young women. Equal opportunities and access to rights need to be ensured for young people of all genders including non-binary and LGBTQI+ young people.
- Tackle discrimination and ensure equal rights for all genders in cultural, political and socio-economical life.
- Achieve universal awareness of gender-based inequality and discrimination, particularly in the media.
- End gender-based violence by addressing and tackling it effectively in all its forms.
- Eliminate stereotypical gender roles and embrace diverse gender identities in education systems, family life, the workplace, and other areas of life.
- End gender-based structural discrimination in the labour market and ensure equal rights, access and opportunities.
- Ensure equal pay for equal work and the equal sharing of the responsibilities of care work.
- Ensure equal access to formal and non-formal education, and that the design of education systems follows gender-sensitive approaches.
You can find the thematic report of the Youth Goal #2 here: